To change a template and make the changes available to ALL portals:
1. pick a template that you want to modify
2. look in the /DesktopModules/Repository/Templates folder, you'll see a folder for each template. COPY the entire folder of the template you want to modify
3. PASTE the folder you copied to the same Templates folder. So, for example, if you want to modify the default template, COPY the default folder and when you paste it, you'll have a "Copy of default" folder. Rename the folder to something else, like "MyTemplate".
4. open the "MyTemplate" folder and make whatever changes you want to the files
5. Now, go to your Repository Module's settings page, and in the 'skins' dropdown list, select 'MyTemplate' as the skin.
To change a template and make the changes only available to a SINGLE portal:
perform steps 1 and 2 from above
3. Go to /Portals/# where # is the PortalID of the portal you want your new template to be used for
4. Check to see if there is a folder named "RepositoryTemplates" if not create it, so you would have /Portals/#/RepositoryTemplates
5. PASTE the folder you copied from step 2 into the new RepositoryTemplates folder, so for example, if you want to make a small change to the default template but only for a specific portal, you would copy the /DesktopModules/Repository/Templates/default folder and end up with /Portals/#/RepositoryTemplates/default
6. Change the files in the new location as you wish.
7. Go to the Repository Module's settings page. In the skins dropdown list you will see an asterisk next to default. That indicates that it's being loaded from the Portals folder. So now, if you use a Repository module in Portal ID #, you will see the asterisk for default and it will use your updated files. In all other Portals, you will not see the asterisk and it will use the default files from the DesktopModules folder.
If you need any more info, just ask