Hi Steve,
By the way, I love you repository module, it is only limited to your imagination. I found it as an excellent way to display and filter your own info on you page and not as a repository.
I came across an intrusting and puzzling issue with the uploaded “Your Picture” that I can not figure out. I had created a modified copy of the template “articles”. In the template.html file, I replaced the [THUMBNAIL] code with a JS code. In the JS code I used the [IMAGE] and [THUMBNAIL] tags. Now, this works really neat, and have no problems at all; I just click on the [THUMBNAIL] image and it zooms out to the full size [IMAGE], click on the [IMAGE] and it zooms back to the [THUMBNAIL]… sweet.
This is what I can not figure out; when I first upload the “Your Picture”, the [IMAGE] will zoom out to the actual size of the pix (i.e. 300px), this works fine, but, If I edit the Article by uploading a different size (i.e. 700px) “Your Picture”, when the JS zooms out the [IMAGE], it will retain the size of the original upload (i.e. 300px) pix. Does this make sense?
What ever size the first “Your Picture” is uploaded, any edited uploads will retain the size of the first upload, regardless whether any additional uploads is larger or smaller. i.e. if the first upload is a 700px pix, and then you upload a, 120px thumbnail, it will blow the thumbnail up to 700px. I went though the tables and could not find anywhere, where the size of the first upload pix is stored.
Have you got a logical explanation for this phenomenon?