I'm building a customer access page in DNN, and came across the Repository module. At first, I thought the "Documents" module would do what I need. But it didn't. I'm hoping that the Repository module does.
I need to do the following:
1) Have customers log on and be able to access *their* documents... and ONLY their documents.
2) Staff need to be able to upload documents to a particular customer (i.e. UserID)
So, in other words, Customer A requests a quote. We prepare the quote, and post it to Customer A's profile. When Customer A logs on, they would be able to pull up their documents, and potentially upload a Purchase Order back to their documents.
Obviously, Customer A shouldn't be able to see Customer B's quotes, P.O. numbers, etc.
Is Repository the correct module for this? Or is there some other module I should be looking at? *AND* (because I'm still learning) if Repository *will* do what I need, can someone give me some settings that I need to change to make it happen as such? Additionally, is there a way to "disable" moderation? I don't need to moderate someone sending us a purchase order. (lol)
Thanks in advance!
--Greg Baughman