Hi, I did a huge post earlier with lots of questions but it's not appeared on here after a few hours so perhaps it got lost., so I'll try again.
I'm after help with creating pages for racer profile. There will be an ever expanding list of racers, and each will have the following items:
- Basic information - I want this in a set format for a standard look, with stuff like home town, race series, year of birth, etc
- An nterview
- A table with race results
- Many race reports per rider with a feed into RSS
- A photo gallery
- Ideally I'd like each racer to be able to access and upload their own info, we a moderator approving, but as a minimum I need the race reports to be uploadable by racers - the other one-off info is less changeable so not as important
I've found that the module seems to be set to a single type (such as file upload, profile) per repository. Having had a big mess with options I'm on three:
1. A single repository with a category per racer and sub-cat per item... but I can't seem to tailor the sub-cat types so unless anyone can tell me otherwise this seems to be a strike-out
2. A repository per rider, the a category for each item, but again same problem as above
3. A repository per item (i.e. basic info, race reports, photos, etc) with a category per racer. But how do I work this? I'm thinking I need a dnn.menu item per racer then somehow place all the info from all repositories wher I want them on the page, and each can have RSS feed plus moderating.
4. Are there any other ways of skinning this cat? My brain's fried trying to figure it out, and I'm not really comfortable with editing code or getting too techie these days.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.