I think I've found a small bug with the Repository paging when one filters on an attribute after paging.
Here's what I do:
- I have 12 items in list. I page to the last page. It will say page 3 of 3.
- Now, I filter on an attribute
- It will then say, page 3 of 1.
You can try it out at this test site: http://goinggreen.17.websecurestores.com/GGLinksDirectory/tabid/57/Default.aspx
Filter by nothing, page to 3, then filter by Environment: Eastern Cape.
I'm setting up the different attributes to try it out. What I'm really wanting to accomplish is this - I have attributes such as
Environment - values A, B, C, etc.
Developments - values Govt policies, eco centers, etc.
Home & Office - values Paints & solvents, water and sewage, etc.
(trying to represent the links they have here: http://www.goinggreen.co.za/green_developments.htm
Ideally, I'd want someone to pick from Environment, Developments, Home & Office, and then select ALL / One of the resulting dependent dropdowns.
Would there be some way to accommodate this? Options I can think of are:
- Have Environment, Developments, Home & Office as seperate pages with one resource directory on each... but then I can't search the whole bunch at once
- Maybe use a shopping cart module instead of resource directory? Not perfect either.
- Maybe there's something like this in resource directory already??