I've made some changes to my Repository version and was hoping you could incorporate this into the next release of Repository. The changes are the following:
- Dashboard settings (DashboardSettings.aspx & aspx.vb) - select categories (checkbox control). Currently I just populate with all the categories, although one could repopulate the Categories based on the Repository selected.
- RepositoryDashboard.vb (BindData, case Latest) - added me.ModuleID as parameter.
- Provided an alternate function definition for GetRepositoryObjects that takes as input "thismoduleid" as parameter.
- Modified DataProvider.Instance().GetRepositoryObjects - sends -1 as parameter if nothing provided, otherwise sends the moduleID
- Modifed SqlDataProvider.vb - CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, DatabaseOwner & ObjectQualifier & "grmGetRepositoryObjects", ModuleId, sFilter, sSort, Approved, CategoryId, sAttributes, RowCount, thismoduleid), IDataReader) - to send "thismoduleid"
- Modified SP grmGetRepositoryObjects as follows: - get category string from settings, build temp table with these categories, remove the "ALL" categories from the temp table, and then modified the select query as follows:
a.*, --category,
(SELECT COUNT(dbo.grmRepositoryComments.ItemID) FROM dbo.grmRepositoryComments
WHERE dbo.grmRepositoryComments.ObjectID=a.ItemID) AS CommentCount
FROM --dbo.grmRepositoryObjects a
grmRepositoryObjects a
inner join grmRepositoryObjectCategories objcat on a.itemid = objcat.objectid
inner join grmrepositorycategories repcats on objcat.categoryid = repcats.itemid
WHERE a.ModuleID = @ModuleID
AND category IN (SELECT category FROM #category)
AND (a.Approved = @Approved)
AND (@Attributes = '' OR dbo.grmCheckAllAttributes(@Attributes,';',a.ItemID) = 1)
@sFilter = ''
OR UPPER(a.Name) LIKE UPPER('%' + @sFilter + '%')
OR UPPER(a.Author) LIKE UPPER('%' + @sFilter + '%')
OR UPPER(a.AuthorEMail) LIKE UPPER('%' + @sFilter + '%')
OR a.Description LIKE '%' + @sFilter + '%'
I can provide my source project with these changes. I'm sure other users may find it a useful feature also, because it means one can add useful "subdashboards" on various pages. The only thing I'd like to still see (and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it) is the ability to open the docs directly from the dashboard (i.e. provide a download button) instead of being redirected to the repository page first (because redirecting messes with the user's mental model while navigating).