I'm running DNN 4.09 and UDT 3.05.01 and I'm having a slight problem and I've managed to get myself a bit confused.
What I've done is created a UDT module on a page named Master. The permissions for this is Admins only view and edit. Then I copied that module to a page that is available to all users. Actually, I copied it to 5 other pages. Each page has filters on it to show only portions of the data. However, I've run into issues with this. It appears that in some cases, they are linked (change data on the master and it shows up properly in the public pages) and in some cases they are not (change data in the master and it does not show up in the public page).
I haven't seen a way to view this underlying information without going into the data base, which I haven't done yet. Can anyone give me some insight as to what will happen when you copy a UDT module.
Also, can someone enlighten me as to how to sort on 2 fields. I am using User Defined XLT Transformations.
And last but not least, I am using a filter and need a little syntax help. Currently I am using:
<xsl:variable name="currentData" select="udt:Data[contains(udt:Type,'Four')]" />
I would like to include an exclusion. In SQL it would be select * from table where type like 'four' and not like 'super'. This XLT syntax is new to me.
You guys have been outstanding with my previous posts and I can't thank you enough.