Thought I would just throw this out here for suggestions.
We have a records look-up page and we've added all but 39 records. Thus far, there are 61,803 rows for this one module in our UDT table; there are 4698 total records thus far. The information isn't storing anything exorbitant; see below for what one record shows within the DB.
When I first visit the page, it takes 12 seconds for the page to come up (not bad for these many records, but I know there will be complaints when it goes live).
My question is, how can we quicken the load time of the page? Is there a way to have the F&L module only query for the latest volume and display only those items instead of querying all the module records? There's a search bar at the top so people can search for and find a certain volume, plat name, etc.
Field Title FieldValue userDefinedFieldID
Changed at 2012-05-04T12:42:25 632
Changed by DNNUser 633
Created at 2012-05-04T12:42:25 634
Created by DNNUser 635
Plat Name Butler Survey 636
Owner Name Butler, Samuel 637
Municipality Troy 638
Tract 1,3 639
Section 13 640
Lot 74,75 641
File Date 4/13/1854 642
Volume 1 643
Page 1 644
File Name FileID=14510 645
Size [File:Size|#,### bytes] 646