Hi guys, I have a situation where I have several Roles - Role1, Role2, Role3. I need this to happen: after a user from Role1 submits a few records, he can use Search and it would return only his own records. This I was able to do after some research and using the built-in XSL sheet. However, here is a tricky part, I also need for users in Role2 and Role3 to be able to see everyone's records from Role1! Right now the only way I know how to achieve this is by granting Administrator role to users in Role2 and Role3 but I really can't afford this.
Also, by looking at the ownitemmonly XSL source code I have noticed this line:
<xsl:for-each select="//udt:Fields[(udt:FieldType!='CreatedBy' and udt:Visible='true') or (udt:FieldType='CreatedBy'<i><span style="> and $IsAdministrator)]"> </xsl:for-each>
I am wondering if I could edit the line to look like this would do it:
<xsl:for-each select="//udt:Fields[(udt:FieldType!='CreatedBy' and udt:Visible='true') or (udt:FieldType='CreatedBy'<i><span style="> and $IsAdministrator and $IsRole2 and $IsRole3)]"> </xsl:for-each>
I would really appreciate any help!