Hello Stefan,
Been futzing around with Endpoints a bit more have had some success.
After creating a module with the Starter Kit I added the following code to module load event:
'SoapBubbles stuff!
Dim ds As System.Data.DataSet'Dim resultXML As System.Xml.XmlElement
Dim apple As New Object
Dim myCredentials As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("myAccount", "myPassword")
Dim foo As New refSoapBubbles.EmploymentListings
'refSoapBubbles is created when I went in to Website then Web Reference it then walked me through the creation process of the end connection to the SOAP/HTTP gizmo. The information gets stored in a directory called App_WebRerferences. Since the Wizard mucks up the process one of the files needs to be editted by hand. More on that later perhaps.
foo.Credentials = myCredentials.GetCredential("myIPaddress", myPort, "")
apple = foo.TopEmploymentListings
ds = apple(0)
'Depending on if there is a FOR clause at the select statement within the stored procedure or function the item may either be a DataSet or XMLelement sort of thing.
xmlHere.Text = ds.GetXml
xmlHere.Text is a text box so I can stuff the XML data in to that just to see what's coming out.
My connundrum is how do I get the SoapBubbles (that's what I call the module) module to make a consumable XML document for the XML module to use? I just need to get the ViewSoapBubbles.ascx to be the result of ds.GetXML, nothing more, nothing less and Eureka, XML consumable for the XML module.
Of course the other option is to go in to the XML module itself and add all the needed functionality to do the above directly in to the XML module itself, or at least a hard coded reference of the needed settings for now and a checkbox added to Settings that says to use wsdl, but I'm unsure where I would need to stick the code I just suggested within the XML module source. The following would sort of need to be added at a later time.
Add Endpoint option to location of XML file in Settings.
When selected
display option of where wsdl is located.
display authentication options (Username and password)
display dropdown of exposed webmethods (this is found by accessing the wsdl location and parsing out the XML)
display various parameters so they can be opted if needed (dunno parameter and parameter types and requirements can be determined automaticly)