Hi Greg,
are you outputting the script (.js?) from xslt?
does it need to be embedded in the html? or is it a .js file that you are loading?
if so, the latest .net xslt must have changed something because my old scripts handled outputting < just fine as < but that doesn't work now.
I have to put into a variable now:
<xsl:variable name="lt"><</xsl:variable> <!-- xsl stopped outputting < right so need this -->
<xsl:variable name="gt">></xsl:variable>
and use it like this
if (index <xsl:value-of select="$lt" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 0) { index = 1; }; // default tab is 1
<xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="$lt"></xsl:value-of>
for loading a .js file, have you tried the Extension object token?
<xsl:apply-templates select ="dnnx:registerClientScriptInclude('frameworkX', '/path/to/javascript.js')" />
I have gotten the css token to work (see my post to this thread), but have not tried the script one, trying to figure out what the 'frameworkX' should be replaced with.