Thanks for the reply. I noticed the RSS feed icon just after I read this post. And before you read on, please let me relay to you how impressed and excited I am about the new forum module! You have done an absolutely terriffic job!
But while I have your attention (I hope), It seems several times a week I cannot create a new thread. When I click on the "New Thread" button, I am instead greeted with an error telling me that the editor cannot be loaded. This error is displayed twice in the place of the FCKeditor:
An error has occurred.
Error: Add/Edit Post is currently unavailable.
However, I can obviously reply to posts right now. :) This has happened to me several times since DNN began dogfooding the new forum module, and at the same time, I will notice that my coworkers can create a new thread and other new threads are appearing in the forums here.
Secondly, I wanted to create a new post to tell you about the error below...
I am not getting notified of ANY replies on the threads that I am a part of even though I keep checking the notification checkbox. When I try to make sure that I am subscribed by checking the "Email me when this post has replies" checkbox. Doing so I sometimes see the page reload with the checkbox checked, and other times I don't. When I don't, I attempt to check the checkbox again and get this error (for obvious reasons):
A critical error has occurred.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Forum_TrackedThreads'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Forum_TrackedThreads'. The statement has been terminated.
Once again, I love this module. I think you have done a fantastic job of refactoring this module.