I made the forums as non-moderated for the first period. It is a community site for Middle East and Noth Africa.
When I posted with an acocunt, I kept seeing the post as 0.
I would point out that, I had a huge problem in my application.
For example, the custom registration and login modules were giving me lots of problems, records were not added to all user mamangement tables. You know what was the reason? In dnn, some tables, have few columns that have default values like 0, 1, newid(), etc ...
When I uploaded the database of my site, I did a generate script, since I don't have access to the restore/back action. So upon script generation, I lost all default values, and exceptions were coming out of the SQL SP execution but not propagated to the dnn application. I went over all the tables in my local db, and change the default values on the server and registration, login are working just as expected.
I found out also that the forums' tables have some default values, so I also set them.
That is why, I ask, how is the number of posts being added? Maybe if I get a hint, I can follow the tables, procs, and see if there is a problem with them.