My problem is evident in Forum Admin, so I'm posting it here. On my custom Admin Skin ( CSS only, pane allows 800px available ) the Forum Grid permissions are spread out and overflow the right hand boundaries, with the result that the 'Notfication & No Moderation ' columns are not visible. Clearly, the content thinks it has more space than is available. The problem is not evident in the DNN Gray Fixed Width skin, which is actually narrower.
I'm on DNN 4.5.5 with Forums 4.4.3. My page doctype reads :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
I suspect this could be a general issue with my custom admin skin, but is only showing in Forum Admin. I've looked over, and have looked at the styles in the default theme default.css , but can't see where my skin or the DNN standard skin is influencing the classes used for the Permissions Grid. So, I reckon this problem has something to do with the way the Forum classes figure out the available width - they think they have more, and the size of table being shown in Forum Admin Permissions Grid is large enough to make the problem evident.
Sorry if the information above is sketchy, I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right direction.