I've been fighting this for a couple days, because I thought it was a permissions issue, but now I'm not so sure.
I'm using Forums 4.4.3, I just d/l it this weekend.
And everything seems to be working fine, except when you go to upload an Avatar you get an error. Even logged in as SuperUser you can't do it. So I thought it was a permissions setting on the host side, but I checked and double checked.
Then tonight I reread what the error says:
An Error Has Occurred When Attempting To Save The File d:\hosting\pod99966\dotnetnuke\Portals\2\\Forums\UserAvatars\wsav.jpg. Please Contact Your Hosting Provider To Ensure The Appropriate Security Settings Have Been Enabled On The Server
That's when I noticed the \\ after 2 and before forums (2\\forums). So it sounds like the module is pointing to a folder that doesn't exist (and can't exist because of the \\.
Does that sound right, and how can I change it?
http://weirdsarasota.com/ if anybody wants to check it out for themselves. The site's not fully done yet, so it looks pretty sparse.