Where is a good place to look up information on FileBasedCachingProvider vs BroadcastPollingCachingProvider?
Since changing it over to Broadcast, the whole system seems noticably more sluggish (I was commenting on how much faster 4.3 was the other day)...
Also, since changing it over, I can now view the forum (without the above errors), but I now I get this error when I click on Moderate (worked fine with another account):
A critical error has occurred.
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ModuleSettings_Modules". The conflict occurred in database "C:\DNN\APP_DATA\DATABASE.MDF", table "dbo.Modules", column 'ModuleID'. The statement has been terminated.
A search of the forums showed this error, but it was always fixed with an upgrade to the newest version. Since I "have" the newest version, that fix isn't available.
So, do you think it is a problem with the software or is my system is so screwed up that it is unsalvagable?