Is there a way to change the Homedirectory path in Digital Asset Management Module to File Share Server rather than using Root Folder\Portals\0. We are migrating from 5.2.2 to 7.4.1.
DNN 5.2.2 the file share path is set in the FileManager.ascx.vb file on
page load. In DNN 741 we tried same approach but it still points to either
website root (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\iMercerDNN) or the default path
I tried changing the
folder\path in the HomeDirectory column in “Portals” table to any
Folder\Path, DNN creates that folder under its root directory.
There exists a
property HomeDirectoryMapPath in PortalInfo.cs class which defines the path to
store the files physically under DAM. As of current it returns:
String.Format("{0}\\{1}\\", Globals.ApplicationMapPath,
HomeDirectory.Replace("/", "\\"));
I tried overriding the
Property to return the file share path: return <File Share Path> Still no luck.
Then I tried to
change the value passed for HomeDirectoryMapPath while populating the Portal
Setting object in PortalSettngsControler.cs to set it as the file share path,
no luck.
I also tried to set
the path as any drive folder under my local system, still it uses the root
5. There exists a
couple of functionalities as Clear Cache and Restart Application domain under
Tools for host login. I tried clearing cache and restarting Application domain
after each change made, no effects were taken.
The setting in the website for Root Physical Path is a read only label,
so cannot be changed from there
Please can some one help me change the Home Directory Path