Well, after making this post, I have 2 options because next, I'm going to look into the 'Using the forums' forum.
Option 1:
I click 5 x back button in order to get back to the root view where the view is already scrolled to the correct position among the 51 Forums In 25 Groups.
Option 2:
I click the root breadcrumb and end up at the top of the page in the root view, then scroll up and down until I find the correct forum amongst 51 Forums In 25 Groups.
suggested: option 3
I could simply click the breadcrumb and avoid all the hassle. Besides, the breadcrumb already has a visual separator ' :: ' between the root and the group so why not fully implement it?
Despite what usability studies say, there's no real 'other way' to browse this forum than either using the forum/post links coupled with back button (which is a horrible way), or then just use the breadcrumbs (which are not fully implemented).
What comes to did I check the settings? No, I didn't even install the forums module yet. I was just making a suggestion
Thank you