Gee Chris that's sure some dedication, responding to my post, from someone that is in the process of getting married. I'm not sure which will be the biggest adventure, marriage or Costa Rica, but I hope you have a lifetime of great memories associated with both.
Well as a result of your comment I went to the Ktomics website and downloaded the PA module again. I installed it on a different dnn test site and found the same version 1.0 with the same formatting problem.
My Dnn Wiki editor problem seemed to disappear after I enabled all roles for the module, updated the module settings, and then changed the roles back to their more restricted settings. The link problem persists however, though it doesn't appear to be limited to just the word Net as I originally thought. Any word like McDonald will cause the page link to appear. Place a space between the c and the D and the link disappears. Go figure...
Since thirty bucks wasn't going to break me, I tried to buy the Ktomics v1.5 module from Snowcovered. It would appear that I can no longer purchase it. I can get to the Wiki purchase page, but it won't add the module to my cart. Bummer, I'd sure like to start off with a Wiki module that didn't have bugs.