In my work of converting the DNN gallery module's use of the old SolpartMenu to the DNNMenu I have run into a problem preventing menu node text from wrapping. In both the main level gallery menu and in each gallery thumbnail (a custom webserver control inheriting from DNNMenu) we are manually populating MenuNodes in code rather than from xml.
In IE 7 and 8 beta with WebControls 1.5.3 running under DNN 4.8.4 and 4.9, the addition of "white-space: nowrap" to the css rule applied to DefaultNodeCSSClass, DefaultChildNodeCSSClass and DefaultNodeCSSClassOver of the DNNMenu object (as well as to CSSClass and CSSClassOver of individual menu nodes) appears to be ignored. It is, however, properly observed in Firefox and Opera.
I finally had to wrap the text of each node with a <span> tag having an in-line style of "white-space:nowrap;" to prevent wrapping in IE. This worked fine with WebControls 1.53. in DNN 4.8.4 and 4.9.
However, when tested against DNN 5 RC 1 with WebControls 2.0, the addition of the <span> tags around node text caused only a postback but no redirection to the NavigateUrl of a node when the node was clicked followed by a visible display of the added <span> tag following the postback. When I removed the added <span> around the node text, all worked fine in DNN 5 RC 1 with the added benefit that the "white-space: nowrap;" in the CSS rule now worked in both IE and Firefox.
Can Jon or someone confirm that this was indeed a change in WebControls 2.0 and suggest any other way to prevent word wrapping of node text in IE with WebControls 1.5.3?