I have no idea where to ask so start here....
Can anybody help me with my issue ?
I need to show treeView as site navigation that looks like MSDN navigation tree (see for example msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ywdtth2f.aspx)
as I though about it deeper it would be nice enough to create:
one new property DisplayFolderImage (true/false).
Then if U will set in skin NodeCollapseImage="~/images/minusBig.gif" NodeExpandImage="~/images/plusBig.gif" NodeLeafImage="~/images/nodeDotBig.gif" DisplayFolderImage =false
then update source TreeNodeWriter.vb, function RenderExpandNodeIcon
If _Node.HasNodes Then
'...normal process and code as is
if DisplayFolderImage then
' normally create space instead of expand collapse image (eg.
end if
end if
so no space will be rendered if no folder image is displayed. This causes very nice effect where open and close folder icon disappears, only plus and minus is shown and leaf Node can have either MSDN leaf node symbol or custom image (as in Host and Admin menu). this looks very nice, again as I cant post image to this forum I cant show you.... ;-(
btw: javascript tree renders this menu different then TreeNodeWriter.RenderExpandNodeIcon, if ForceDownLevel="True" there is rendered space, when not it works as I desired it self ;-), but requres one more jscript file on client ;-(
RenderSpacer(writer, _Node.DNNTree.ExpandCollapseImageWidth)
writer.Write(" "))