I am not sure if I´m posting this in the right place. But I have problem I really need help with.
I have just upgraded a site from 4.6.2 to 4.8.0. The site is in swedish and I have experienced that the globalization culture in web.config that has worked best for swedish language has been "iso-8859-1" . I have used it in several sites in earlier versions of DNN.
But now after upgrading to DNN 4.8.0 I get some weird characters in page title, or module title when updating a page or module settings. The swedish characters Å, Ä, Ö is being replaced by characters as Ã… Ä Ö Ã¥ ä ö . Those are definitively not swedish characters....
If I change to "utf-8" in web.config then it works almost fine, except that in custom modules, or in skins where I have coded swedish characters is being replaced now by a � character. (Yes, a square)
I´m having this problem with two completely different sites, so I guess maybe someone else has got the same problem.
What change has been done in DNN 4.8.0 that is causing this? Does anyone know how to solve it?
// Petri