Hiya Seb,
I now have DNN Version 05.05.01
This version doesn't mention fall vack language like previous versions
But here is my setup..
System DEfault - English (United States)
Site Default - English ( United States )
English - Ireland also enabled
Everything is ok ( see USSiteDefault.jpg)
If I Do
System DEfault - English (United States)
Site Default - English ( Eire )
English - US also enabled
Everything is NOT OK ( see EireSiteDefault.jpg)
1. No more Login Link on the right arrow..
2. on the left arrow the admin icons are missing their text decriptions
3. Many text descriptions ( Centre arrow ) in general are now missing
If I try another language eg: UK.. I still have the same problem so its not just Eire.
Its rather , anything besides US as Default..
Just another issue I noticed is that If I do enable US + Eire Languages.
US as site default. set "Enable Browser Language Detection? " Ticked
My Browser is set to Eire but yet when an anonymous user comes to the site it doesn't detect eire.
It still uses default...US
Does site default have precedence over Browser detection
or is browser detection not working at all ?
Any help greatly appretiated..
I can't see on DNN forum where you can attach files.If you give me your email I will send 2 images mentioned.
It should make it alot clearer
P.S as before all I am trying to do is to use Forms and lists module with the date format dd/mm/yyyy