I'm trying to make a multilanguage website which will have Chinese and English pages.
Which option may I have rather than creating a new portal for each language? Because that would double the size of the website, I think.
I learned that we can use resource files (.resx), but I cannot find a complete tutorial on this, could someone link me, if there is one please.
There is
another method , which uses Delisoft's DSLocalizator, seems to be able to downloaded only from here: http://dnn.tiendaboliviana.com/web/Modulesandresources/Modules/DSLocalizator/tabid/75/Locale/en-US/Default.aspx
That site requires being logged in to be able to download the file. I tried to register there 4 times with different emails, but it won't send the activation code. Could someone register an account for me, or upload the file somewhere else please.
Thanks a lot for your time.