I have looked into the solution of DSLocalizer to make my portal multi-language. However, it's quite a hassle to do al the settings (actually twice) and above all, not all modules support this feature. You have to walk through all modules and tabs to have the settings right. Above all there are a few (minor bugs) in showing the right metakeys and description. And the action-buttons is not shown in conjunction with the blowery software, so I have to turn the localizator of to edit my site.
However, editing is quite a work because all the modules which are not dynamically localized must be configured for every language. Therefore I am thinking of creating a child portal for each language. This also brings in the ability to use portal aliases per language and to set the languages default.
I also looking into the Apollo localization, but you have to fix the whole skin.
I think about using the next setup:
1) Create for every language a child portal above the .com en .eu parent portal.
2) The .eu en .com portal have the portal aliases: .eu en .com. On this portal there is the localizator of Locopon. Flags reroute to the child portals with the appropiate language.
3) On the child portals I can add the country alias. For instance .de for Germany and .nl for The Netherlands. So if a user enters a .de domain he/she is automatically on the right language portal.Other option would be that the user enters domain.com/de-de for Germany or domain.eu/nl-nl for Dutch in The Netherlands and domein.eu/nl-be for Belgium. If a url is not present, the .eu or .com name is shown to the user.
4) However, I was wondering if it is possible to make a URL rewriter which can be set by the admin and which has the next function. Depending on the language redirect to the settings in the URL rewriter. Than the .com and .eu are automatically forwarded.
5) Benefit of this is that you can simply have all modules present without having to translate them. Besides you can have slight differences in the look and feel of the portal for each localization.
6) Keeps only left a ecommerce shop which allow the shop to have the products come from one stock for two or three languages. So Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium all consume from the same shop.
7) On the every child portal there is a language bar with all languages present. If clicked, the user is redirected to the .com or .eu portal on which he/she can select the right language and step into the other child portal. This might simply be a simple cookie clean up.
8) On the .eu and .com portal the user must be able to login and he/she must be redirected to the right child portal automatically.
9) Would be nice to have the childportal be created automatically after uploading language pack.
Who can help me with this?