I have been doing a lot of authoring using the help module on an intranet I am building. First off, let me say that I am new ot DNN and am very impressed with the project. It was very easy for me to get started. Now I can't stop!
There are some things that I think would make the help module more useful:
1. In categories and tutorial modules - in manage or edit mode - provide a link to sort and then provide sort options like alphabetical and such. When building a large collection of tutorials in one category this would make it easy to sort then instead of doing it by hand. The same goes for a collection of sibling categories under a parent category - be able to quickly sort then by name.
2. In the FCK editor provide a way to select an existing tutorial to link to when building a link. Currently I am maintaining a notepad text file will essentially a bunch of links in it to use for reference.
3. Show the date created and last updated in the title section somewhere. This shows someone how stale the content is/is not. This is probably a good one to be able to turn on and off in the settings.
4. I already saw that some other folks have suggested being able to track how many times a person clicked on and read a tutorial. A logical extension of this is to provide the "was this helpful" stuff at the bottom like a lot of tech support sites have. This is probably a good one to be able to turn on and off in the settings.
If I knew how to program, I would help do this work on your project. Hopefully you will find them usefull to add to your roadmap.