I'm new to DNN, but here's what I'm wanting to accomplish.
When a user hits the DNN site they are bounced over to authenicate against our single sign on system.
After they have successfully authenicated, they are directed back to the DNN site with a username (see code below). We're using CAS for authnitication, using the following code, I can authenticate a user getting their username.
What I'd like to do is if the username does not exist in DNN, create it in DNN, if it does, go ahead and "log them in" with the username retrieved from the CAS code.
Again, I'm new to DNN, I was hoping someone has already been down this road and could help me get started.
* CASP.cs
* CAS over ASP.NET!
* Created by John Tantalo,
* Case Western Reserve University
* Modification History:
* 12/09/05 jnt5, created class
* 12/12/05 jnt5, removed cookie check
* stores CASNetworkID in session instead of cache
* clears Page session variable after ticket verification
* 12/13/05 jnt5, removed Page session variable
* fixed bug which would cause loop due to incorrect service parameter
* 04/04/06 jnt5, adapted serviceURL code courtesy Ali Cakmak
* 04/10/06 jnt5, added new comments
* References:
using System ;
using System.Web.UI ;
using System.Net ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Web.SessionState;
* CASP general usage:
* private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
* {
* String NetworkID = CASP.Authenticate( "", "", this ) ;
* }
public class CASP
* Authenticates a user with the given login and validation pages. After authentication
* the user's browser is redirected to the original page.
public static String Authenticate( String LoginURL, String ValidateURL, Page Page )
return Authenticate( LoginURL, ValidateURL, Page, Page.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Split('?')[0] ) ;
* Authenticates a user with the given login and validation pages. After authentication
* the user's browser is redirected to the location given as the service URL.
public static String Authenticate( String LoginURL, String ValidateURL, Page Page, String ServiceURL )
if( Page.Session["CASNetworkID"] != null ) // user already logged in
return Page.Session["CASNetworkID"].ToString() ;
else // user hasn't logged in
if( Page.Request.QueryString["ticket"] != null ) // ticket received
try // read ticket and request validation
StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader( new WebClient().OpenRead( ValidateURL + "?ticket=" + Page.Request.QueryString["ticket"] + "&service=" + ServiceURL ) ) ;
if( "yes".Equals( Reader.ReadLine() ) ) // ticket validated
// store network id in sesssion, return value
return (String) ( Page.Session["CASNetworkID"] = Reader.ReadLine() ) ;
catch( WebException ) {}
// ticket was invalid, or didn't exist, so request ticket
Page.Response.Redirect( LoginURL + "?service=" + ServiceURL, true ) ;
return null ;