Hi all,
I am developing a module to access our CRM corporate database (custom). Right now the front end for this database is MS Access but we are trying to get rid of it and make the front-end web-based, so we decided to use the framework provided by DNN to access our data (this data is on a different SQL database, not into the DotNetNuke database, and has its own user permissions, views, SPs, and so on). I have set DNN to use Windows Authentication, but it seems that after the initial automatic logon (provided by admin/Security/WindowsSignin.aspx) the rest of the navigation uses Form Authentication. I want, however, DNN to be able to impersonate the user currently browsing the site. Somewhere in our code, just before running our database queries we need to something like the example shown in: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306158/en-us
Dim impersonationContext As System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext
Dim currentWindowsIdentity As System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity
currentWindowsIdentity = CType(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity, System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity)
impersonationContext = currentWindowsIdentity.Impersonate()
'Insert your code that runs under the security context of the authenticating user here.
This throws an exception since at runtime HttpContext.Current.User.Identity is a FormsIdentity object and it cannot be converted into a WindowsIdentity object. Is this WindowsIdentity object supposedly created by WindowsSignin.aspx stored somewhere that can be accessible afterwards? Any way to re-create a WindowsIdentity based on the FormsIdentity (which is in fact created after the windows authentication is done).
Summing up, is there any way to temporarily impersonate to the current user, so that we can execute custom queries to our database (with its own permissions) on behalf of this user and then go back to IWAM_MACHINE account to run the rest of the DNN code?
Thanks to everyone in advance.