So, this intranet site has been up and running for a long time and was recently updated to dnn 484 from 3.x using the old AD provider. When the dnn upgrade was done, the old AD provider was stripped away and ad 103 was installed. The site will now allow new and existing AD users to login, but has some weird things happening that cause problems, the least of which is that it won't auto-login.
The internal dns setup for the company, which I don't have access to and don't know squat about, is setup to access the intranet at When users access the site using that domain name from inside the network and with AD auth enabled, sometimes they are prompted for their windows credentials and sometimes they aren't. Sometimes the browser displays a "Page cannot be displayed", but they can refresh the page, and the site comes up, although they aren't logged in. If they go directly to the WindowsSignon.aspx page with the domain, they get "Page cannot be displayed". Interestingly, if I go to the address and get the page not displayed, but then login immediately as host, the event log shows my AD login as successful just before the host login.
Needless to say, I've been over the web.config file, the AD auth settings, the IIS settings, etc... but, can't seem to explain this. So, I simply setup a virtual dir under the default website and pointed it to the existing code base and added the alias to dnn (as myserver/internal). Well, as I should have guessed, when using http://myserver/internal as the site, everything works very nicely.... I've compared the virtual dir settings to the website settings and nothing seems different. I've tried the same app pool for both and different app pools. The only difference I can find is that one is running under an IIS6 website and the other is running under the server's default website in a virtual directory.
Other than the obvious solution of removing the internal dns and having everyone access it via the server name and virt dir (which isn't an option), what can I try to do to get this fixed? Would love to hear some suggestions I haven't already tried...