RLyda wrote
But....what about when operating in mixed mode?
If you register a users in the DNN DB they enter a password when they create
there account, that's fine. What I am talking about is the process of automatically
crating the account when an AD user logs in. All you have to do is inform
the system that this account is an AD account and to get the password from
What about when the user is outside the firewall?
You can still use any method of authentication you like, as long as they can
see the portal, the firewall will have no impact on this. (Being the
Portal is behind the firewall and it's responsible for talking to LDAP)
What about when the portal server is up, but the AD servers are down?
If AD/LDAP is down, sorry to say, but you don't have a network…
If someone is in a place where there AD
servers can go off-line, they need to except that possibly, reevaluate there
network configuration, or not use LDAP authentication for there portal.
I know some smaller networks don’t have the budget to setup
AD the way Microsoft ™ recommends, but in a case like that the portal being up
is going to be your users last complaint, and the last thing you need to be concerned
I don't mean to be a jerk about this, but having a poor
security model because of someone else’s lack of planning and/or poor network
design doesn’t fly with me.