Hi Antonio,
I use DNN 4.3.7
The html editor is FCK
Here are the actions step by step.
First I insert a thumbnail picture with the align left
Next I insert a thumbnail picture with the align right
Here the html code of the above steps
<img height="113" alt="Bezig met schilderen" width="150" align="left" border="0" src="/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark5.JPG" /><img height="113" alt="" width="151" align="right" border="0" src="/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark6.JPG" />
Now, from the left thumbnail I made a link to the picture and let it display in a popup window.
Here the html code of the above step
<a ref=" void(window.open('/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark5.JPG','','resizable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=800,height=600,left=50,top=50'))"><img height="113" alt="Bezig met schilderen" width="150" align="left" border="0" src="/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark5.JPG" /></a><img height="113" alt="" width="151" align="right" border="0" src="/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark6.JPG" />
Finally, from the right thumbnail I made a link to the picture and let is display in a popup window.
In this process, while actually making the link in the link wizard, suddenly both pictures are changing from sharpness, mentioning them getting the link properties.
Finishing the above process gives the following html code.
<a href=" void(window.open('/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark5.JPG','','resizable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=800,height=600,left=50,top=50'))"><img height="113" alt="Bezig met schilderen" width="150" align="left" border="0" src="/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark5.JPG" /></a><img height="113" alt="" width="151" align="right" border="0" src="/Portals/0/Images/Dagboek/blog_Westerpark6.JPG" />
With this, the first made link is changed to the second made link.
There are now 2 different thumbnails pointing to the same picture.
The left thumbnail is pointing to the picture of the right thumbnail.
Please, if you want more information or my English is a little confusing; do not hesitate to ask more clarification.
With regards, Ton Hermes