I've got a 4.4.1 version of dotnetnuke running and the site was performing well for a little while. First the articles module started exhibiting some strange behavior and caused to site to break down, so I had to remove it by hand(the site wouldnt come up). At the same time or a bit later the blog module started misbehaving.
By missbehaving I mean that unless I am logged in as admin or host the page with the blog on seems to go into an infinite loop and keeps calling the following sprocs over and over until a timeout:
exec dbo.Blog_GetSettings @PortalID=0,@TabID=74
exec dbo.Blog_GetSettings @PortalID=0,@TabID=74
exec dbo.Blog_ListEntriesByPortal @PortalID=0,@BlogDate='Apr 19 2007 7:47:05:327PM',@ShowNonPublic=0,@ShowNonPublished=0,@MaxEntries=10
exec dbo.Blog_GetBlog @BlogID=2
exec dbo.Blog_GetBlog @BlogID=2
I have no idea why. The behavior is similar to the problem I had with the articles module from efficionconsulting, and I had to remove that module. Idont wanna loose the blogs and comments tho.
Also it didnt help upgrading to 4.5.1.
Anyone able to shed some light on this?