To date I have only used the blog module on a personal site so I am uncertain to what extent the module could be used.
I have a member website where I would like members (a user role/s) to be able to have their own blogs.
I am thinking a page where other visitors can view the latest blog entries of all users (possibly public & private mix but just public would be ok), and possibly a list of the members that have blog entries.
Might it also be possible for users to view the entries for a specific member, and for that member to also be able to link to his own blog section (eg from his own site, or his profile page on our site)?
Not all members would use the blog feature, just some so I am unsure if this might somehow be filtered?
Members would be free to start their own blogs on the site, but not edit or affect any other member blogs.
I am unsure of the setup for this with pages too, I would like it all accessed from a single page, or possibly a small choice of pages if needed, but I would hate to manually setup pages for each member so they have their own blog section (not grouped).
I do hope this makes sense and any direction would be appreciated.