IE7 has a button in the toolbar for showing the blogs on the page, currently the dnn blog implementation does not interact with IE, for it in order to interact, the page must have an specific header.
I've implemented that by inserting this code in the ViewBlog.ascx.vb file, into the if in line 145 (If m_oBlog.Syndicated........), where the url for the XML button is set.
Dim lnkFeedRss As New HtmlLink
lnkFeedRss.Href = lnkRSS.NavigateUrl
lnkFeedRss.Attributes.Add("type", "application/rss+xml")
lnkFeedRss.Attributes.Add("rel", "alternate")
lnkFeedRss.Attributes.Add("title", m_oBlog.Title)
I also found a problem: you can see a lot of posts in the view, but in the rss you can only see the posts of the child blogs that are not syndicated independently, I think you always should see the same posts in the rss that you see in the screen. INMO the syndicate independently option should allow to have separate feeds for the blog selected but should not exclude the post from the parent aggregate. The temp solution I implemented was using this:
lnkRSS.NavigateUrl = NavigateURL(Me.TabId, "", "rssid=" + IIf(m_oBlog.ParentBlogID = -1, 0, m_oBlog.BlogID).ToString())
But I think this could be very specific for my needs.
Another thing I'd like to implement (and share) is posting from word, any one knows if that is made from a ws, and where can I get a sample asmx for guessing the interface?
Enrique Blanco