Thanks Timo and dtinvest for offering some possible solutions. I really appreciate folks who take the time to understand the problem and give suggestions. dtinvest-I know about the read more... feature of the announcements module. I am trying to make our school portal as easy as possible to manage/edit and would prefer to limit the number/types of modules I use. The html module (using the FCKEditor) is the primary module I'm spending my time configuring and is the module I use for announcements, news, events, etc. I know there are other modules for publishing this kind of info. Maybe after the editing users are more accustomed to DNN somewhat, I'll introduce more modules and replace the html modules used to handle things like events and announcements.
I'm still pretty frustrated at this point that all suggestions/workarounds continue to point to more containers being created. I am not a developer, programmer or designer, but a hard headed end user who has had to learn some programming and design techniques to get this far. I accept that and so far have accepted the learning curve that comes with DNN. But I'm late in the development process and am somewhat resistent to more workarounds to do something that is a common feature/popular trend in website design and usability. So, will I end up creating a site that is less than what I envisioned because I have bumped up against a limitation or weakness in DNN-the container? If so, how can that be good for DNN? The Ferrari sells because of its combination of power, finesse, styling and drivability. Out of these 4, Ferrari knows that if any of these suffer, sales suffer. The more DNN gets adopted and begins to face outward on the web, the more important the role of the designer and end user becomes. And I mean more important, not the most important. I hope our contributions are heard.
This limitation has been brought up before-you can read about it here
but their voices and concerns eventually got buried in the 1000's of post. Maybe they accepted the limitations and made compromises to their final designs. Maybe I'm where they were at and at the same phase of development and now the weakness is forcing me to compromise my final design. I hate to compromise at the point of the end user though...