I have a little more to add to this issue. I was working on our site last night, trying to get the problem with the Announcements module not being able to find the images that were being defined by the [IMAGESOURCE] token in the Announcements custom template. The problem seems to be that, somewhere, somehow, the FileID field in the Files table is being changed.
For example; we have an image named "RTFF.jpg" that has a record in our Files table which originally had the FileID value of 1685. In the Announcements table, the ImageSource field for the Announcment that used this image is correctly set to the value of "FileID=1685". All should be well...until you check the database now and find that the FileID value of that image in the Files table is now, inexplicably, set to 2993902. Suddenly, an announcement in the Announcements module is trying to fill the [IMAGESOURCE] token with an image that matches its record's ImageSource value of "FileID=1685", but it can't find any such image. What does it do? It throws up an error for everyone to see.
To put it more simply, here is the above example:
Original File Record:
Files.FileID = "1685"
Files.FileName = "RTFF.jpg"
Announcements Record:
Announcements.ImageSource = "FileID=1685"
...Something happens to the Files table that I cannot explain and we are left with.....
Altered File Record:
Files.FileID = "2993902" (FileID 1685 no longer exists)
Files.FileName = "RTFF.jpg"
The Announcments module is still looking for "FileID=1685":
I cannot understand how the auto-incrementing, identity column, "FileID" in the Files table is being changed. If you looke at out Files table, you would see that the FileID values jump suddenly, as is shown here:
1809654 1809655 1809656
And then they do it again further down, although not as dramatically:
2088181 2089412 2100520
This seems to show that a great number of the FileID values are being drastically changed at some point.
As of this writing, we have 3,763 records in our Files table, but the highest FileID value is 3071444. If these were auto-incrementing, that would mean that we would have had to have added and deleted 3,067,681 other records to this table. I assure you, that is not the case.
If anyone can give me some direction as to where I can look for what is causing my Files table's FileID values to change, I would certainly appreciate it.
Thank you,