There has been a number of posts regarding the problems that I am having but no clear answers. I watch the posts and thought to myself "I wonder why these people are having these issues with compression, scheduler, errors etc" as my install has been running flawless since my upgrade from 4.3.7. Until now!!!
In the last 3 days I have been experiencing a number of errors: My logs are filling up with exceptions.
1. Duplicate Key - insert fail (Scheduler Error) I have the schedule events spread out to prevent overlap
2. Module Failure - Hash Table error threshold too high
3. viewstate errors - control tree
4. Extremely slow performance
5. Page displays minus the skin graphics and css
I can recycle the app pool and everything is fine for a while but quicky reverts back.
Here is what I have:
version 4.4.1 - sql server 2005
I had compression on gzip/6 with whitespace filter on. I turned both off - still got the errors.
Page state set to memory - just changed to page.
I am running:
ventrian mail and simple gallery
Flash image rotator
Both Magic news and events use the scheduler to send reminder emails.
When the site runs it screams but with these errors all of a sudden it just stops. I do run many instances of the above modules. on different pages of course!
Does anyone have an idea as to what could be causing this? Frustrating especially since the site was running great!