These posts are seperated by 4 months, but I'll respond with what I've found.
I'm having the exact same problem, and have the fix. IMHO this is a bug in the core system. I don't know if it's been fixed in the latest release, but it does happen in 4.5.3.
The offending line of code is 1142 in Library\Components\Shared\Globals.vb.
This is the original line of code
Return IsAdminTab OrElse (ControlKey <> "" And ControlKey <> "view" And ModuleID <> -1) OrElse (ControlKey <> "" And AdminKeys.IndexOf(ControlKey) <> -1 And ModuleID = -1)
The offending statement is the middle one
(ControlKey <> "" And ControlKey <> "view" And ModuleID <> -1)
If the ControlKey is anything but "view" then the admin skin get's applied.
A potential fix is to change it to this
(ControlKey <> "" And Not ControlKey.Contains("view") And ModuleID <> -1)
Then you can name your control ControlNameview and you'll get the skin you expected. You'll also have to change your module definition (to change the control key) and the code in your module (to refer to the new control key)
I'm going to try and get the core team to address this. Hope it helped.