leupold wrote
there is currently no option for granting users to delete and manage their own files or assign individual folders. AFAIR there is a free module UserFiles from www.bring2mind.net, that might suit your needs.
I think I've already taken care of the assigned folders part via the file manager and setting permissions. But now that they can see their folders and add to their folders, it logically follows (my logic anyway) that they should also be able to delete from their folders unless specific permissions prevent them from doing so - much like permissions work on user folders in a windows networking environment. This is what the other end users in my environment who are using the editor expect because it's how they compute with every other application they use. Maybe I should have kept dnn all to myself and they wouldn't be bothering me about this:-
leupold wrote
Of course I understand, that this is an important feature for you, but there are numerous other features requested and the core team has only limited resources. On option is to sponsor a feature - either develop it yourself and donate the code to the project or do a financial donation to get it implemented by one of the professional core members.
I would love to take this on or be a part of the solution in someway if I could get a read from others that this is a feature they would like to see in the editor, namely full image/file management via the current gallery and link user templates. I find it hard to believe folks may have 10-20+ content editors all adding files each day with no way to remove them when no longer needed. Who's paying their hosting bill? :-)
locopon wrote
Yes, there is some additional functionality on the road. We are starting the move to asp.net 2.0 to get mayor benefit like Ajax. At this moment the provider supports having a different gallery and we will focus into enhance our base classes so people can build image galleries including a lot of functionality.
We will be enhancing the default image gallery to include a better foundation and to work as a sample for other developers.
These forums are here to allow people to post suggestions. If those suggestions comes with sample code included, then possibilities of being included are really great (submitted to some discussion first)
As a suggestion, you can take a look at the gallery code and you will find that including code for a DETELE and RENAME buttons could be so easy
Any help on coding this or just an FYI on where and what to consider from others would be appreciated. I would guess there would be more complexity to the code according to whether you were using file or database sytem for storage when it comes to a delete or rename command.