Currently it's up to the private project teams to validate their own issues, those issues are in DNN Core Framework/Public/Project Lead Review Needed.
All of the core issues in "DNN Core Framework" have been validated as issues when being moved from the public forums. There are hardly any outstanding core issues in the public forums ever (quite different from six months ago). This is real progress.
To check number of outstanding bugs in core code for instance goto DNN Core Framework/Unassigned. On the left hand side look at the issue filter.
To look at current bug status for example select:
Component = Any
Version = = Any
Type = Bug
Priotity = Any
Status = Unassigned, assigned, In Progress, Reopened, Require More Info, Need to be moved, Core review needed, project lead review needed.
Resolution = Unresolved.
Risk = Any
Once you've done that it is advisable to save the filter (below).
Currently in this forum it stands as 227 bugs.
So there is a method behind the madness :).
> I also don't think one person can withdraw an issue submitted in Gemini because they don't agree.
You are probably directly referring to me looking at your recent comments in gemini on issues. Note I do my absolute best to make sure I have recreated the issues 100% accurately. If I cannot recreate the issue it gets withdrawn. Period! There is generally no time to validate bugs by enforced committee like you want, I couldn't begin to imagine how slow it would be if this happened, and this is time better spent on bug fixing. It was hard enough to go through 1500+ issues since January without having to go through that sort of process. We might as well have given up!
You also don't see what goes on in the background, if there is something I'm not sure of, or something that does not seem right I do consult. Also, even if a bug was withdrawn in error, it won't go away (although in fact often it is because X fixes Y). You should also know that after validating 1500 issues, you do tend to get an in depth knowledge of what the core issues actually are.
Also if I withdrawl a issue, in pretty much every case a reason is given. Generally it is a duplicate. VERY occasionally I don't give the duplicate issue number because I can't find the issue (but absolutely know it has been logged somewhere). Also some members of the community don't bother to check that the issue exists when a simple search will suffice. 99.0% of the time I will help then by leaving a number, but if they keep logging issues without searching (even after me asking them to do this), well I just don't have the time to be their automated search engine slave. Understandable?
As far as priority of bugs (only) is concerned, ultimately the core team makes a judgement, what is logged is only a guide. Lots of people log an issue and major or showstopper looking from their point of view. Whilst I sympathise with it, it must be seen from the project point of view. There are a lot of bugs to be sorted. I think the word "trivial" to "show stopper" is probably a bad way to put things, so think of it as a priority 1,2,3,4 scale instead. POINT - THE SCALE IS RELATIVE. Pretty much every bug should initially be set as minor or trivial. It generally should only be major if functionality grinds to a halt. Show stopper is generally a crash or a major block in functionality (e.g. import/export templates not working). Note over the last 2 to 3 months I have been trying to correct the priorities of new issues before they get moved out as they were becoming meaningless to the project. What is the use of having priority system if everything is set to major after all? And I stress again the priority is still only a guideline.
You should realise the reason why I’m doing this job is that I’m just as interested as you in getting the bugs fixed. In fact I was complaining so much about it they decided to give me the job and shut me up, and goo thing too :) To be honest if it was my decision there would be a code freeze until all the bugs got sorted. But I also trust the core team to make sound decisions as well, most of them are highly qualified people who are certainly not idiots and are probably a lot more competent then I think you give them credit.
You should also understand that changes are happening, maybe a little too slowly. But they are changing. Perhaps if you donate $50,000 to the project things might speed up LOL :). Please make cheque payable to MR ALEX SHIRLEY :).
Brian, please don't take this personally. Recently pretty much every issue I have validated for you has resulted from you posting a disagreement on how it has been processed, you don't agree with the priority or you don't agree with something else. Of course you are entiled to your own opinion, but this is really starting to tire me out :) I spend a great deal of time looking at issues you have posted (and many thanks for bringing these up), but often the end result is some complaint which is a little discouraging to be honest. And I need a lot of encouragement, and no doubt the core could do with a lot of this too as I'm sure they work bloody hard.
PLEASE could you could turn your energy and resources into contributing something positive for the project...? :)
Quote S. Shawn Mehaffie
Below are some examples of how this can be done.
1) If you use a module a lot and are not happy with how fast bugs are fixed or new features added, then get a hold of the project leader and offer to be on the project team for the module.
2) Documentation lacking: Sits down and write the documentation you think is needed and then submit it to the core.
3) Need a localization file created for DNN that is not available: Transalate the localzation files to the language you need and submit to core to be available on the localization pack download page. Take ownership of this localization pack and make sure it is kept up to date.
4) When inputting issues in Gemini do the following.
- Enter the steps to reproduce the error (helps us validate the issue quicker).
- Enter what the fix is to the issue (helps the issue to be fixed quicker).
- If entering an enhancement / new feature give a few options on how to implement it.