You can do this with the current iactionable inteface
where you would normally put the edit url string put in a string to open the modal popup that you want to show
so for example i have a function on my page to show a modal popup created by the modal popup extender
function modalAuditDisplay(newDateValue,newAuditValue)
var hiddenDATEfield = $get('<%=hfDate.clientID %>');
var hiddenAUDITfield = $get('<%=hfAudit.clientID %>');
if (hiddenDATEfield && hiddenAUDITfield)
hiddenDATEfield.value = newDateValue;
hiddenAUDITfield.value = newAuditValue;
__doPostBack('<%=hfDate.clientID %>');
in the iactionable item i would put something like
Dim Actions As New Entities.Modules.Actions.ModuleActionCollection
Actions.Add(GetNextActionID, "Add War", Entities.Modules.Actions.ModuleActionType.AddContent, "", "", " modalAuditDisplay('12/1/2007','12/1/2007')", False, Security.SecurityAccessLevel.Edit, True, False)
Return Actions
End Get