One...The assumption that someone is using Visual Studio is just a little arrogant. Since the wizrds are VSI files, the are of no use to me.
Two...The instructions have been followed way too many times, TO THE LETTER. The software still fails to install properly. There is something missing in the instructions. Assuming that the installer must know this missing information, is incorrect.
I have yet to find ANY other software application that I couldn't install. Therefore, there is an issue with this product. IT's like having the best car in the world, but no keys to start it, or no gas to fill it. Nice, but useless. So this applciation can be fabulous, but since it is not installable, what good is it?
Until I can get it properly installed, I have to stand by my opinion that it is a bad application. I can be convinced to change my opinion when I can actually use it.
Sorry, that just the way it is.