Fresh install of DNN3.0.13
Installed previous release ForumBlog_03[1].00.11, crash & burn, uninstalled it (no references in database)
Installed new version ForumBlogPA_03[1].00.13, crash & burn again.. annoyed
Here is the scoop
added a new page, added Forum module, created a group & a forum, went back to forum home, and...
A critical error has occurred.
Invalid object name 'Forum_Posts'.
Invalid object name 'Forum_Threads'.
Invalid object name 'Forum_Forums'.
Invalid object name 'Forum_Groups'.
Invalid object name 'Forum_PrivateForums'.
Invalid object name 'Forum_PrivateForums'.
Invalid object name 'UserRoles'.
added a new page, added Forum module, turned off whats new, stats, etc (just a basic forum), added some groups and forums, clicked on a new forum and.....
Invalid object name 'Forum_Threads'. Invalid object name 'Forum_Posts'. 0 11
I checked the database, everything is there, all 4 scripts have run