Thank you John,
Your information sent me on the right track to resolve the problem... Now I need to set an VS environement (I have moved on to 2008) and all to recompile the project...
Question: Is it you intention to test always against "gMatch"?
Here is a sample of your code:
ElseIf sMatch.Success Then
If IsNumeric(gMatch.Value) Then
Return Integer.Parse(gMatch.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) >= 125
Return False
End If
Shouldn't it read:
Return Integer.Parse(sMatch.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) >= 125
Also I couldn't find the "FckEditor.vb" file, but I found the browser test in "Components\FckEditorControl.vb" of the source package.
FYI, as part of the FCKEditor 2.6rc archive that you download from the the FCKEditor site, there is an ASP integration file that does the browser check: I am pasting the relevent section it here for reference:
' A function that can be used to check if the current browser is compatible with FCKeditor
' without the need to create an instance of the class.
Function FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()
Dim sAgent
sAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
Dim iVersion
Dim re, Matches
If InStr(sAgent, "MSIE") > 0 AND InStr(sAgent, "mac") <= 0 AND InStr(sAgent, "Opera") <= 0 Then
iVersion = CInt( FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat( Mid(sAgent, InStr(sAgent, "MSIE") + 5, 3) ) )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( iVersion >= 5.5 )
ElseIf InStr(sAgent, "Gecko/") > 0 Then
iVersion = CLng( Mid( sAgent, InStr( sAgent, "Gecko/" ) + 6, 8 ) )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( iVersion >= 20030210 )
ElseIf InStr(sAgent, "Opera/") > 0 Then
iVersion = CSng( FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat( Mid( sAgent, InStr( sAgent, "Opera/" ) + 6, 4 ) ) )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( iVersion >= 9.5 )
ElseIf InStr(sAgent, "AppleWebKit/") > 0 Then
Set re = new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = true = false
re.Pattern = "AppleWebKit/(\d+)"
Set Matches = re.Execute(sAgent)
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( re.Replace(Matches.Item(0).Value, "$1") >= 522 )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = False
End If
End Function
' By Agrotic
' On ASP, when converting string to numbers, the number decimal separator is localized
' so 5.5 will not work on systems were the separator is "," and vice versa.
Private Function FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat( numberStr )
If IsNumeric( "5.5" ) Then
FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat = Replace( numberStr, ",", ".")
FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat = Replace( numberStr, ".", ",")
End If
End Function