Here's a question...
I've now managed to successfully install version 4.3.0 onto a GoDaddy hosting plan. Now that version 4.3.1 is available, I would like to upgrade to it to take advantage of the bug fixes...
Question is, what is the proper upgrade procedure to properly upgrade DNN? I think this may apply in all circumstances, rather than just on GoDaddy, but I am specifically trying to update on GoDaddy now.
Here is what I've done so far... I took the 4.3.1 upgrade ZIP, and uploaded it to my site, overwriting any other existing files. I opened each directory individually when dealing with custom permissions. It comes up with the performing upgrade and a simple one line SQL execution, but the individual core modules weren't affected.
This can be seen by looking at the Announcements module, as it still has the 4.3.0 error with the HTML source displaying.
How does one properly upgrade a pre-existing installation, preferrably through manual installation on GoDaddy? Thanks.
- Andre