We did something very similar to this last year on a community forum we started using AF.
AF rocks, by the way!!
The members who migrated from an older forum style complained about the way AF organized things. We silently disagreed with these members, but obliged them anyway. After going to the trouble of making the appropriate SQL view of AF threads, we used a Reports module to display the live threads in this older style. The AF threads are displayed in the Reports module so the subject is a hyperlink to AF so the user could add replies inside AF. After a very short time, the users became more comfortable with AF and they no longer use the older style. We left the older forum style running, just in case others want that style.
PERCENT '<div><a href="http://www.yoursite.com/Forums/tabid/65/postid/' + CAST(CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID = 0 THEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.PostID
ELSE dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID END AS varchar(8))
+ '/view/topic/Default.aspx" title="view Post">' + CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID <> 0 THEN ' ' + dbo.NTForums_Posts.Subject
ELSE '<br>' + dbo.NTForums_Posts.Subject + '</a></div>' END AS Subject,
CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserID = - 1 THEN CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID = 0 THEN '<br>' + dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserName
ELSE dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserName END ELSE '<div><a href="http://www.yoursite.com/Forums/tabid/65/view/profile/uid/' + CAST(dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserID
AS varchar(8))
+ '/Default.aspx" title="view Profile">' + CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID = 0 THEN '<br>' + dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserName ELSE dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserName
END + '(' + CAST(dbo.NTForums_UserDetails.Posts AS varchar(8)) + ')</a></div>' END AS [Posted By],
CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID = 0 THEN '<br>' + CAST(dbo.NTForums_Posts.DateAdded AS varchar(20))
ELSE CAST(dbo.NTForums_Posts.DateAdded AS varchar(20)) END AS [Date Posted]
FROM dbo.NTForums_UserDetails RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.NTForums_Posts ON dbo.NTForums_UserDetails.UserID = dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserID
WHERE (dbo.NTForums_Posts.ForumID = 6) AND (dbo.NTForums_Posts.Deleted = 0)
GROUP BY dbo.NTForums_UserDetails.Posts, dbo.NTForums_Posts.DateAdded, dbo.NTForums_Posts.PostID, dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID,
dbo.NTForums_Posts.Subject, dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserName, dbo.NTForums_Posts.UserID
ORDER BY CASE WHEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID = 0 THEN dbo.NTForums_Posts.PostID ELSE dbo.NTForums_Posts.ParentPostID END DESC,
So users could add "New Posts" we used a Links module viewable by registered users allowing us to track how many clicks and point it to the AF fourm TabID and ForumID like this: http://www.yoursite.com/Forums/tabid/[TabidForAF]/view/post/forumid/[AFForumID]/Default.aspx.
Hope I not am too late to help. I just saw your post.
Good luck!!