Before I start, I have read all of the warnings about modifying core files. However, The joins that DNN uses for users, profiles etc are way too expensive for the size of application I am writing. Instead I am putting the profile in the user table, using a bitmapped integer for roles ( this gives you up to 31 roles) and all the other db stuff a dba would do :). To that end I am rewriting the business and data layers for registration and profiles.
I have been thru most of the docs and what I still cannot figure out is:
1) how to programmatically get the current portalID. I can't seem to find where the PortalID property of the userInfo class is set during registration. Its default is Null.NullIteger which is great for 1 portal with an id of 0, but as I add portals that won't be so convenient. ( I could get the portalID by portal name, but how do I get the current portal name?)
2) Same as above for AffiliateID.
2) find the tabid of a given page (it would be great if this was under the Page Details of Page Management of a given page/tab. Right now I am just looking at the link when a page comes up and using that.)
3) map to a folder that a user uploads an image to. (currently I am just storing user profile images in the database as a workaround).
4) Does isHydrated mean a class's instance has been filled with data?
If this is all in a document somewhere could someone point me to it?
Sean Renet