Security Roles: Is synchronized checked under Admin->Authentication? Yes.
When you create the roles in DNN did you create them as New Roles under the Global group or did you create New Role Groups? New Roles.
Are you using the NetBios name for the DNN Roles? Yes, the pre-2000 name for the security group such as DOMAIN\groupA just like in properties in AD console. Let me say specifically I enter "groupA" into the create new role window, not "DOMAIN\groupA". We have just one DOMAIN, and no forests, other DOMAINS etc. but the AD security group objects are nested down in about 3 OU objects.
Yes I have managed to Hide the Login/Logout Button on the Skin that is being used, or if I wanted to I could just remove this code block from the skin's page:
<dnn:LOGIN runat="server" id="dnnLOGIN" cssClass="LoginUser" /> after creating a login module on a specific page for Admins as you have suggested.
I did figure it out finally but still have the issue with users not being put in proper roles.
I have done all these things, yet when user autologs in for the first time, the account does not get put into the DNN security roles that I have created (mirrored from Active Directory). The user can autologin all he wants and the user account is created fine but is never put into any role I have created. the user accounts are also listed all as this naming convention "Domain\username" and thus when trying to sort or search every user is listed under one letter of the alphabet, such as DOMAIN\username1, Domain\username2, Domain\username3. This is not as critical as getting the user into the proper security role group.
I do have the user's IE browser set for the DNN site url to be trusted in the Intranet Zone. The user gets autologged in but is not added to the DNN security role..