Dear all, I found that treeview site navigation element renders differently for mozilla (1.7.5) and for Opera, MSIE. In mozilla there is no dnntree.js (probably because of browser capability..)
My problem is that I need to remove folder pictures in treeview to get tree style (pictures only unnecessarily takes a space).
First, I ve tried to customize displayed images in tree so I've put this in my ascx:
<dnn:TREEVIEW runat="server" id="dnnTREEVIEW" bodyCssClass="Normal" CssClass="TreeViewMenu" headerCssClass="TreeViewMenu_Header" headerTextCssClass="Head" level="root" nowrap="true" treeIndentWidth="5" NodeLeafImage="<%=SkinPath%>help.gif"/>
which is not working, so I cant use images in my skin folder. Is there any other trick to do this?
So I've updated dnn tree ascx file, styles and vb file, simply all I found ;-), but for mozilla I get always bad indentation, like
+ home
+ links
. contacts
note that contacts is same tree level as home and links.
To get this work at least like this I've put this into vb file:
Private _nodeLeafImage As String = "~/images/node2.gif" (node2.gif is small square with dot in middle)
do you have any hint to get proper intendation in mozilla too ?
thanx Adam