davidfa wroteThanks schubboy for your work,
Trying with VWD2005 and DNN435, thougt I could unzip your file and build but still can't get rid of errors like:
a) "Validation (ASP.Net): Attribute 'resourcekey' is not a valid attribute of element *" (knows it has to do with yet existing resources, but..)
b) file PopupEvent.js that is called in EditEvents.ascx is substituted by PopupCalendar.js that goes with DNN.435_source?
c) many of the declarations in EditEvents.ascx.vb like "Protected WithEvents imgY1Period As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image" rise error "* is already declared * in this class"
Would it be possible to get the latest Events source ready to go on VWD or VS2005?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
a.) The resource key stuff should just be warnings - you can ignore those - the code works correctly.
b.) I'm not sure what your question is - can you explain more?
c.) It sounds to me like the old code for the events module is getting used here - You should have removed all the dlls that have "Events" in it from your bin folder, replaced all the code in the DesktopModules/Events folder (i have included the whole thing, so you can just delete, and copy my folder) with the files in my zip folder, and added the code to the App_Code directory - the "already declared" errors you are getting come from the source code that is currently with the Events module - because those are the lines of code that I had to delete to get this running right.
Let have some more info about what you mean on b.) and double check your work on c.) I recognize those errors as being from the non-modified source code.